
Locky-type ransomware is attacking systems

A new, Locky-type ransomware is currently infecting tens of thousands of computers worldwide. It uses the same code from the 2016 version to encrypt users’ files and it looks poised to cause another massive cyber emergency. Here’s everything we know so far. Quick facts According to a threat intelligence report, the email-based ransomware attacks started […]

The values of Amazon AppStream 2.0

Success is not just about putting in the hours, but also being adaptive and investing in the right tools to improve outputs. Keeping work confined to the office might have been adequate years ago, but not anymore. Today’s workforce is now more mobile than ever, which is why businesses are turning to remote access solutions. […]

Containers will soon be much easier to manage

Microsoft continues to be one of the biggest names in virtualization, and with its most recent announcement about a new type of container technology, it’s not going anywhere. Even if you don’t need containers in your IT framework, Microsoft has signalled that big things are coming. What are virtual containers? Virtual containers are isolated computing […]

Scammers are creating new scams just for VoIP

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) makes business communications simple and inexpensive. Naturally, shrewd scammers have found a way to use VoIP as a means to carry out ‘vishing scams,’ a new type of phishing whereby fraudsters make phone calls, pose as a business or financial partner, and request private details. Understanding these scams well is […]

It’s time to redefine the word “hacker”

What do you call someone who hunts for security gaps in computer hardware and software? A hacker, right? What about someone who takes their findings to vendors to help them improve the quality of their products? There is more than one type of hacker, and understanding the difference is important. A complicated history Since all […]

Google’s 2-Step Verification sign-in

Google wants users to use a prompts-based 2-Step Verification sign-in instead of the SMS two-factor authentication. This is partly because the National Institute of Standards and Technology disqualified the latter from its list of preferred authentication methods. Curious why? Security was the main concern. According to Google, “This is being done because SMS text-message verifications […]

How to make the most of your CRM

Building a rapport with customers has never been easier with customer relationship management (CRM) software. You can track contact information, buying preferences, and sales patterns. It’s a must-have for all sales and marketing teams. But if this is the first time you’re using CRM software, try adopting the following best practices. Always update customer information […]

Enhance content through social media

When social media is used correctly, marketers can better understand their target audience and thus create better content and deliver it more effectively. This is vital since you’ll be able to send customers tailor-made content that helps increase conversion rates and sales revenue. Grow your business with social media with these four steps: Identify what’s […]

Citrix integrates with Google Cloud

With feature-rich cloud applications like Docs and Slides in G Suite, users can work whenever and wherever they want from any internet-connected device. To help businesses get more out of their cloud platform, Google announced that they are working with Citrix to run virtual desktops and applications in a cloud-hosted environment. Workspace Service Organizations often […]

Enhance VoIP calls with a dedicated circuit

Your business can rely on hosted VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service providers to ensure internet connection is always at maximum speed. But a fast internet connection doesn’t necessarily result in excellent VoIP call quality. When expectations fall short, business owners can get very frustrated and resort to upgrading to a fiber optic connection until […]