Google Assistant lets you type on new version

Your own personal assistant is supposed to make life easier. Designed to let you dictate your searches instead of typing them, Google Assistant was made to accomplish just that. While talking to your phone is undoubtedly a convenient way to search for information, it’s not always practical. Fret not; Google’s tech team is working on […]

2017 IT essentials: disaster recovery plan

When disaster strikes, organizations need to put their business continuity plans into action and recover their IT systems as quickly as possible. Failing to do so can mean serious financial and reputational repercussions. Despite this, investments in disaster recovery are set aside each year for high-tech IT investments, and every year companies and employees continue […]

Considerations for large-scale AWS migration

Managed IT services providers recommend virtualization not because it is an IT business trend that everyone simply must ride, but because it is, quite, a smart way of managing your IT resources. Your organization needs to be more efficient and should be willing to move to the cloud to achieve it. But, if you do […]

The ransomware that makes you sell your soul

Ransomware has become a fast-track for making money for some hackers this holiday season. But instead of just demanding a small payment for the decryption code that will unlock their computers, some hackers are demanding that victims sacrifice two other friends to ensure they receive the code they need. Read more to find out what […]

Skype launches new communication hub

Skype as a desktop communication tool is largely popular with consumers and businesses alike, yet its mobile app leaves much to be desired. Whether it’s the slow VoIP service or limited communication features, there’s definitely a lot of room for improvement. And apparently, Skype has acknowledged these concerns as they’ve recently launched Skype Mingo, a […]

AWS creates “Glue” service for data analysis

Recently, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the creation of a new data analytics tool to lighten the burden on businesses when analyzing data in the cloud. This tool, referred to as “Glue,” is meant to clean up and organize data that comes into the cloud from various sources so that it can be analyzed by […]

Containers Vs. VMs: performance variations

When containers were first implemented, the idea was to provide users a way to deploy applications without the need to open a new virtual machine, thereby saving resources and time. Since the advent of Docker the container trend has turned into an obsession with developers, which begs the question: How long until containers replace the […]