Why UPS is important in network gear

Storms, floods, fire, and other emergencies can cause productivity loss due to power failure. Utilizing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for your workstations will ensure that you never lose unsaved work. But what about your online connection? To avoid being crippled by loss of internet connection, it’s a good idea to plug routers, wireless access […]

Mobile device security and virtualization

Securing mobile devices is challenging. They often have privileged access to sensitive data that they connect to via unprotected network connections. Virtualization vendors are finding ways to include solutions to these problems in their products and they’re perfect for small businesses. Mobile device management and virtualization Mobile device management (MDM) is about controlling how users […]

Why you need a VPN and how to choose one

Back in the day, simple antivirus software was all you needed to stay safe from security threats. Nowadays, it takes more than that to protect your online privacy. Whether you’re sending emails or chatting up a friend online, chances are your Wi-Fi connection can be intercepted. This is why you need a virtual private network […]

Hangouts Meet vs. Skype for Business

IDG Enterprise says that businesses worldwide spent $3.5 billion on video conferencing apps in 2016. That’s a lot but also money well spent, especially if it helps with your employees’ productivity and collaboration. Some of these video conferencing apps are Hangouts Meet and Skype for Business. These tools share a lot of calling and video […]

Simple tricks to improve your productivity

When you spend more than eight hours a day staring at a computer screen, it can be easy to lose focus on important tasks. While you can access some of the most useful applications through your computer, an ever-growing number of distractions are vying for your attention. Here are a few tricks to avoid getting […]

Is AI-powered VoIP the next step?

AI-driven advancements are changing the way organizations conduct business. When it comes to VoIP telephony, AI’s cognitive systems could offer proactive and predictive automation processes to increase efficiency and improve decision-making. Read on to learn how. Contact center operations Highly automated VoIP technology enables businesses to manage their call centers easily and reduce the need […]

Serverless computing and its benefits

Small- and medium-sized business (SMB) owners make the mistake of thinking all of their problems can be solved by migrating to the cloud. They forget that there’s still configuring and maintaining servers to worry about; the only difference is that these tasks are done over the internet. Fortunately, serverless computing changes that entirely and offers […]

What’s so great about Google Data Studio?

Gaining valuable insights from vast amounts of raw data has never been more crucial to your company’s growth. It allows you to identify operational bottlenecks and make informed decisions about your business. That’s why more and more organizations are opting for data analytics tools like Google Data Studio. What is Google Data Studio? Google Data […]

Your password may be poor — update it now

For years, we’ve been told that strong passwords include three things: upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. And why wouldn’t we when the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) told us they were the minimum for robust passwords? Here’s why not and how it involves you. The problem The issue isn’t necessarily that […]

Do ugly websites really cost you money?

No business owner should ever be embarrassed by their website. It’s worth the effort to run through everything with a fine-toothed comb and ensure your online customers are getting the best possible experience. We’ve rounded up the top six website elements you need to invest in. A variety of professional photos From pictures of your […]